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Copy, Print, Scan
Level D of the library
Only Cash is accepted (1s, 5s, and coins)
Questions? Call 201-796-3400, ext. 2 or EMAIL
Printing is available from any of our public computers or by Mobile Printing. Pay and release from kiosk on Level D.
B&W copies/print-outs: 10 cents each
Color copies/print-outs: 25 cents each
How to Mobile Print
1. Upload your document(s) after clicking the above "Mobile Print Here" button.
2. Adjust the settings.
3. Enter your email address.
4. Proceed to the Print Release Terminal to pay for and finalize your print job.
A self-service scanner is available for public use. Any kind of document or picture can be scanned and converted to an electronic file that can be emailed. The scanner may be used in flatbed mode or has a document feeder that allows multiple pages to be scanned at once. Use of the scanner is free, but standard fees apply for printing.

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